Tips for Business

converting D7 and D8 to Drupal 9

Drupal 7 End-of-Life: What does it mean? July 8, 2021

Over a million websites rely on Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 as their content management system (CMS).

HandStand SaniStation model

HandStand SaniStations for Businesses June 11, 2020

We have a variety of HandStands in stock, including our popular SaniStation model. Perfectly designed for every room, every style, and every budget.

Six Feet Apart logo on black background

Forging New Traditions on Beer Friday June 3, 2020

In the spirit of unity during these unprecedented times, we created Beer Friday LIVE, a weekly video podcast that is streamed every Friday afternoon.

Six Feet Apart project - the HandStand

Promoting Healthy Hand-Hygiene with Six Feet Apart June 1, 2020

After creating the Six Feet Apart brand, we had one serious question: How can we utilize our design skills to help neighbors and businesses in need?

HS Mini color collage - red, green, pink

HS Mini Sanitizer Station May 21, 2020

Our popular HandStand sanitizing stations now have an even more convenient and economical design - the HS Mini. Designed specifically based on customer feedback, the HS Mini is made for businesses interested in creating a healthier environment at an affordable price.

HandStand image with product names

Custom Hand Sanitizer Stations for Business April 3, 2020

Our sanitizing HandStands are designed for use in school and universities, office buildings, stores and high-traffic areas. This standing disinfectant dispenser is a simple way to help slow the spread of germs. Order yours today.

Ansell SEMA Exhibit 2019

Case Study: Trade Show Solutions for Ansell January 24, 2020

Ansell challenged 4x3 with creating an exhibit that prioritized engagement with SEMA Trade Show attendees as it boosted brand presence to reflect the company's growth in automotive aftermarket protection products.

Unfold Your Message with Style and Clarity

Unfold Your Message with Style and Clarity July 22, 2019

Design and aesthetics are as critical to the success of your brand’s printed materials as the message. From marketing brochures to event invitations, we work with you to add dimension to your vision — enabling you to attract a larger audience with outstanding print work.

4x3 and 321 Creative Introduce Show-in-a-Box!

4x3 and 321 Creative Introduce Show-in-a-Box! July 19, 2019

4x3 and 321 Creative are proud to introduce our latest collaboration: Show-in-a-Box! The Show-in-a-Box is conveniently portable and sets up quickly for the on-the-go marketer or exhibitor.

Engage Your Audience with Custom Trade Show Displays

Engage Your Audience with Custom Trade Show Displays July 12, 2019

Show off your merchandise and services – and attract more potential clients to your business – with a custom trade show display.

Using Print Media to Stand Out From the Crowd

Pixels + Print: Using Print Media to Stand Out June 3, 2019

As the number of channels continues to rise – and it will – the need to embrace multi-channel marketing will become not only a good idea, but a critical one.

Using Print Media to Stand Out From the Crowd

Pixels + Print: Exploring Multi-Channel Marketing April 26, 2019

In June of 2018, 4x3 and 321 Creative combined their expertise to create a diverse marketing / communications company. Adding to 4x3's prowess in the digital realm, 321 Creative brings top-notch design to the world of all-things-print — collateral, packaging, trade show graphics, direct mail, and more.

What happened to my Google Map?

Losing time researching how to fix your website’s broken Google Map? Save time by calling us! July 31, 2018

Your Google Map may be broken.  And that can mean lots of "Googling" for you to figure out how to fix it.

Google is now blocking keyless usage, and many businesses are experiencing blank maps and service interruptions. When you run into issues with the Google Maps Platform, 4x3 is the KEY to resolving your map issues quickly.

What do you do when your Google Map is broken?

Who Do You Call When Your Google Map is Broken? 4x3 Can Help! July 30, 2018

When you run into issues with the Google Maps Platform, 4x3 is the KEY to resolving your map issues quickly.

Google Maps has changed how your API Key works

Is Your Google Map Suddenly Broken? 4x3 Can Help July 27, 2018

Your broken Google Map is not a glitch. Google is now blocking keyless usage, and many businesses are experiencing blank maps and service interruptions. 

AGA Developers Identity and Brand

Trust 4x3 to Brand Your Business March 26, 2018

A brand is not just a name and a logo. When thoughtfully created, a brand's distinct value is reinforced in everything the company does stimulating performance in sales, marketing, and client retention.

Google My Business Listing

Harness the Power of Google My Business February 15, 2018

Google is the world's most popular search engine. No surprise there! But have you been utilizing all the benefits Google can give your business? 

The Benefits of a Website Redesign

New Year, New Web Design January 10, 2018

These days, a good smartphone can last for a couple years — or until the battery life starts to die — and each software update can often bring you more problems than fixes. It's around this time when you start shopping around for a new phone, often the same brand, just a new model. 

migrate to Microsoft Office 365

Are You Ready to Migrate to Microsoft Office 365? December 6, 2017

4x3 provides Office 365 email and application management services at very reasonable costs. As an authorized Microsoft advisor, we will work on your behalf to manage and support your email and licenses for your business. 


Google is Rewarding Secured HTTPS Websites October 17, 2017

In order to incentivise webmasters to secure their websites, Google is rewarding companies with SSL Certificates with higher search rankings. Since the release of version 56 of Chrome, Google is entering the first part of a staged rollout that encourages websites to add HTTPS to secure sites and give an increased expectation of privacy for users.

email hosting and management

Email Hosting and Management for Norris Sales June 19, 2017

Email hosting and management is an oft-overlooked asset to a company's brand image, but invaluable in communicating the right tone of professionalism and reliability. 4x3 has worked with several clients to host and manage email in a consistent and secure manner, ensuring its services match the needs of their customers, both big and small.

Arizona Opera website

Arizona Opera: SEO Case Study June 12, 2017

At 4x3, our SEO services are designed to increase client rankings organically on major search engines. For our client, Arizona Opera, 4x3 has developed a custom, fully functional website to manage content in an organized and SEO-friendly manner.

 Age Responsive Design

Age Responsive Design December 30, 2016

When we began the web design process the other day with a client, we stumbled across a new phrase in the RWD world: Age Responsive Design.

Facebook Content Marketing

Facebook Marketing: Answering the Doubters May 17, 2016

A client of ours recently expressed skepticism about Facebook as a marketing platform. Before you gasp, let me just say—his questions are perfectly legitimate. Remember, just because Facebook reaches over a billion people worldwide does not automatically guarantee it’s the best solution in every case.

Facebook Instant Articles on Mobile Web

Streamlining the Mobile Web: Facebook and Google Look to Boost Browsing March 9, 2016

Ever wish news articles in Google search or Facebook feeds would load faster on your phone? Our benevolent Web overlords feel your pain. There’s a mini horse-race going on right now between Google and Facebook over which will attract the most publishers to their new content platforms designed to make loading articles lightning fast in iOS and Android. 

Optimizing SEO

Optimizing SEO Beyond Google February 15, 2016

In search, Google is king, but that doesn't mean you should ignore the other search engines out there. According to Search Engine Land, one in five searches now take place through Bing—not a small percentage. Other search platforms are also growing (i.e. Duck Duck Go, based right here on the Main Line), and old warhorse Yahoo holds on to a significant amount of Internet searches.

Cecil the Lion

Data Shows Importance of Social Media in Driving Website Traffic December 1, 2015

Some interesting data was released this week by the publishing analysts at The goal was to discover where a majority of the Web traffic for seven of this year’s biggest stories came from: search (Google, Yahoo & others), or social media (Facebook & Twitter).

Maplewood Halloween

Marketing Tips: Building a Better Online Contest September 30, 2015

Just a quick note on bracket-style online competitions—plus a chance to brag about my hometown, Maplewood, N.J.

Wordpress/Drupal logos

Wordpress vs Drupal: Which Should You Choose? August 18, 2015

If you’re in the market for a professional, custom website, chances are you’re considering Wordpress or Drupal as a CMS platform. Both are well-known and widely popular, and the right one for you may depend on the features and functionality you require, as well as the user interface you prefer. 

Man wearing a hard hat, walking through a field

The Marketing Services ‘Land Grab’ — Who’s Staking a Claim? July 13, 2015

Content marketing is a growing business in the media world, so much so that lots of non-traditional players are getting into the game. Some corporations (Coke, Sun Life, Intuit) have made creating and distributing their own news-style content a big part of their marketing strategy, while others are happy to hire third parties to do it for them.   

Viral Headlines Mob

Five Viral Headline Do’s and Don’ts February 4, 2015

As recounted in last week’s blog, we tried a little experiment in writing viral headlines — choosing three different versions of a headline and promoting them on Facebook to see which got the most response. Businesses that rely on Facebook clicks do this kind of testing all the time, and on a much bigger scale. 

Viral Headlines

We Created Three Viral Headlines, and Frankly, We Were Surprised So Many Women Liked #2 January 26, 2015

The New Yorker magazine published a fascinating article last month about Emerson Spartz, the 27-year old Chicagoan who has made millions repackaging content to gain clicks on Facebook using viral headlines. 

Seoptimer: Building an Online Audience

To Build an Online Audience, Set a Low Bar January 16, 2015

We all know how difficult it can be to get people to find and view a website, Twitter feed, YouTube channel or Facebook page. Posting to social media can feel like a drop in a bucket (reservoir, really) unless you can create the mojo that makes a bit of content go viral—and anyone who’s tried knows what a challenge that can be.

Pinterest Logo

Quick Tips for Marketing on Pinterest January 2, 2015

We all know about promoting posts on Facebook and Twitter. Ever wonder why Pinterest hasn’t gotten in on this game? Turns out, they plan to launch a new Promoted Pins service soon (you can sign up ahead of time to get priority access when it's launched).

In the meantime, here’s a few tips to enhance marketing efforts on Pinterest.

URugby Hashtag

The Fickle Hashtag: Best Practices for Use December 2, 2014

The hashtag — what we used to call a pound sign — is the trickster of the social media world. It’s supposed to bring order to chaos by providing a handy way for people to connect on a particular theme or subject, and it does—most of the time. But the hashtag can also unexpectedly be a source of chaos and confusion. 

Top 10 Social Media Tips for Business

Top 10 Social Media Tips for Business September 25, 2014

Whether you work at a large corporation or own a small business, your company should be utilizing social media. Everyone is on it. And even if every single person is not on it, your target consumer probably is. In my opinion, here are the most important tips that you need to know.

Drupal Troubleshooting

Drupal Troubleshooting : Go with the Flow May 8, 2013

When building a new website, it's not uncommon for something (sometimes everything) to go wrong along the way. And once you've solved the same problem a couple times, solving it every time after that is like working through a flow chart.

Secure Your Infrastructure: Hosting

Secure Your Infrastructure November 1, 2012

As the extent of the devastation unfolds after Superstorm Sandy hit our Atlantic coast shores, I'm reminded of lessons learned after Katrina hit New Orleans. There's already news and finger pointing about what should have been done and who should have done what.

Beer Friday Cupcakes

Beer Fridays November 1, 2012

A recent addition to the work week here is Beer Friday. Every Friday around 4 o'clock, we take a break from work and have a beer. The break is never that long and we all end up back at our desks finishing our beer while we work (all those Drupal sites won't design and program themselves after all).

Be Your Own Boss

Employ Yourself: Start Your Own Business October 10, 2012

I'm not an economic guru and I do not have a crystal ball, but my 'spider senses are tingling' these days. Life, as we all figure out when we get a little older, is fleeting. The economy - people make the phrase out to be a six-headed monster - will rise and fall over time. Or at least it has in my time.

What I Learned Word Sketch

What I Learned at 4x3 August 1, 2012

The chart shows just a few of the many things I learned in the office. In the past few months I have also learned how to work as part of a design team and how to prepare for and take part in a meeting. Along with all of the things I have mentioned, I have also grown as a designer and as an individual. I had a wonderful experience and couldn't have asked for a better first internship.

4x3 Business Twitter Account

A Business Twitter Account - Get in the Game. Part 3 of a 5 Part Series January 8, 2011

This is the third in a five part series on social networking and your website. Instead of explaining the 'Why', let's concentrate on the 'How.'