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A Friend who helps Friends

Friend for Friends

In September 1996 a great friend, Bob Carroll, started an organization called FRIENDS for FRIENDS® inspired by the memory of his courageous friend, Al Patrone. "When he [Al] learned he had cancer, he never lost his faith in God and never got angry."

He saw me crying one day at the [University of Pennsylvania] hospital and said, "Don't cry for me. Look across the street and cry for those kids with cancer in Children's Hospital [of Philadelphia]," Al's wife Sharon said.

FRIENDS for FRIENDS®: a non-profit organization

It was Bob's idea to have a beef and beer to raise money for Alfred to help pay mediacl bills. "The night of the fund-raiser, Alfred said a man asked him if FRIENDS for FRIENDS® was an organization. He answered that it was just his friends,'' Carroll said. "In the hospital, right before he died, he asked us to keep it going as a way to help others." FRIENDS for FRIENDS® was born. These days fund raising activities are focused on establishing a community through an annual membership drive. A fifty dollar contribution provides a member with an incredible gift – the ability to help others. Membership enables one to nominate family, friend or mere acquaintance to benefit from the group’s generosity. Nominations are reviewed by the board, with special effort given to help as many nominees as possible.


To enhance their capabilities, other events including a golf outing and trivia night are scheduled throughout the year. These events are designed to bring together those who share a common ideal and are committed to putting it into action. Join FRIENDS for FRIENDS® today »

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